Thursday, July 1, 2010

NASTY ASS SALAD! (and juice)

I was supposed to meet a friend at 8 in the morning but i overslept. My day didn't start very well. I went swimming, which was fun, but then i had to mow the lawn. ewww. After that I met my friend Mark at Outback Steakhouse. I had a NASSSSTY salad. Definitely not one of my best days. We headed to his house and we played tennis. Got back and I had a glass of orange was SO NASTY!! I didn't get how someone could possibly screw up orange juice! I even had another glass later on thinking it wasn't going to be as bad...uhhh WRONG!! The sink enjoyed 2 disgusting glasses of orange juice! A little while later we figured out... the orange juice expired A MONTH AGO!!! ughhhh... lesson= always check expiration dates!

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